Hidden Relationships

Can you keep a secret? I have multiple relationships.

Did you know that we all have hundreds of relationships? 

Every day we awake and open our eyes to a new day as our relationships automatically activate.  Some people are excited to start their day and are eager to jump into the positive aspects of their morning routines.   

Some feel a sense of dread about even getting out of bed as negative feelings begin to flood their thoughts and color their world. 

These two scenarios may seem like direct opposites but they have a common thread: 

Our Relationship with Ourselves.

Beyond this core relationship with ourselves, here are a few others that we engage with daily:
Our car, pet, spouse, furnace, wardrobe, deep breathing, hair style, boss, time, color, sight, teachers, lawn, neighbors, food, lover, cleaning, driving, clipping nails, computers, books, manners, traveling, bugs, exercise, alcohol, heights, cooking, hearing, laundry, health or religion. The list is endless. 

We all have multiple relationships that we control or that control us.  Take some time in your day to be aware of your relationships and whether they serve you in a positive or negative way. 

If you find that you have a negative relationship with someone or something that you want to change, try EFT Tapping.  You’ll be surprised at how easy the shift can be from negative to positive. 


Teen Anxiety


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