What clients have to say.
“I feel like I’ve met an AMAZING angel of light. Thank You, Karen. You are truly a wonderful, wonderful healer! And I've been tapping before bed, almost every night, and the stuff that's coming up and out is remarkable. I'm noticing real life changes. Can't wait to share specifics. Very much looking forward to our next session!!"
- Amelia B. Iceland
“Finding Karen and her wealth of knowledge that she shared with me so openly was truly lifesaving. I came to Karen very broken; both physically and mentally. My body had become very ill due to the overwhelming amount of grief and anger that I carried around every day. I thought I was doing OK... Barely hanging on was my normal functioning capacity. Broken was my normal and I couldn't figure out how to feel peaceful and free again. I had also come to believe that I did not deserve to feel good.
Karen gave me hope...over and over and over again until I was able to hang onto it for myself. She helped me work through trauma and pain to get it out of my body, something no one had ever shown me. She gave me tools. She showed me ways to take care of myself and use tapping for all my emotions. Karen kept reminding me that I was doing all this work. That even though I gave her credit and told her I could not have done this healing without her, she reminded me that I was the one who did the work. I had seen many therapists for many years but just could not move beyond a certain point.
Karen helped me to move beyond that point, to love and trust myself, and to live!”
- Cristin W. Maine
“In as little as three sessions of tapping, Karen has given me the gift of releasing decades (and I am in my sixth!) of life’s firmly anchored punches. I have tried several different modalities but none have relieved the relentless, cumbersome self-imposed weight of un-forgiveness, and its ensuing burdens, like this. Tapping with Karen has given me this almost childlike freedom to find joy in life again. “Thank you” can’t begin to sufficiently express my gratitude.”
- Paul L. Canada
“After one group workshop, I’m Tapping almost every night and noticing real life changes. Very much looking forward to our next session!”
- Reggie S. Maine
“I highly recommend Karen - I came to her knowing very little about EFT. She immediately put me at ease and not only helped me lighten an emotional weight I’d been needlessly carrying for years …but empowered me to continue tapping on my own.”
- Cathy S. Florida
"Thank you so much for my EFT appointment this morning on Zoom. I feel so much lighter!"
- Nola K. Maine
I have tried numerous traditional therapies over the years but EFT is completely different. I left my appointments feeling lighter and more confident. Karen's warm and professional approach had me feeling energized after each session. We tapped (literally) into feelings and emotional responses I didn't even realize were affecting me so much. I cannot thank Karen enough. Tapping really works!
- Eliza Q. France
“My experience with EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques has been limited yet more profound over anything I have experienced, to date. Karen has a gift that assisted in placing concrete boundaries that I never dreamed of having the strength to accomplish as I had zero coping skills in place. Having suffered through an addiction, that was my easy button in coping with the trauma and hurt from life. Life may not be easy yet there are techniques which can be used to help us cope and change our processes if need be. I never thought I was necessarily doing things wrong until it was more than apparent that "my way" had never helped. When we finally pass up our way for guidance, we can achieve true energetic healing. Karen has gifted me the opportunity to change, bend and adapt my life in ways that seemed impossible. Quite frankly, the impossible became possible for me and I am now living this opportunity I did not think I would have. I am free from the cords that tied to me to negative people and the trauma caused to me that I didn’t deserve. I did not deserve the way these traumas changed my beliefs and thoughts about this world. Now I choose. I choose what and more importantly, who I associate with in my lifetime and to what degree I allow people to influence my thoughts.
I now have the ability to hold steadfast to new boundaries and am now open to other's ideas of how this could look if I chose differently. Karen has helped me achieve this perspective. I went into this process as a last-ditch effort in finding something I could align with. This was exactly what I needed. I began using EFT Tapping in all areas of my life. I carried a level of anxiety in my life that was unmanageable and I have worked diligently to relieve this. This technique has been the best one I have ever learned and implemented. My anxiety is gone, along with the negative cords that bound me to the family I have now released. The balance I had been seeking through relationships, outside influences, work validation, all of it, GONE. I have changed and swung a 180 degree turn.
We can change. We ALL can change. Karen will help you smash the fears holding you back from making that next career move. She will help show you the strength within yourself to make a commitment to be positive. Commitment to be successful for ourselves and no one else. LOVE MYSELF and organize my life around ME...not everyone else as I have, historically. Gone, all of it. Not just moved around, it has vanished forever and I am able to move forward in a confident way experiencing joy and happiness instead of fear and pain. Life will hurt, I will feel it and move through it knowing that I will be OK! Let Karen's guidance assist your movement in these techniques and know you are in safe and gentle hands. I have experienced her Reiki and Tapping and after all sessions, you will leave with this confidence. She gives you the ability to validate YOURSELF! Thank you, Karen. You have never ceased to amaze me and please know that I am forever grateful for your guidance.”
- Kate T. Maine
I felt instantly comfortable with Karen! During my first session, we worked deeply ~ releasing stress from old traumas of not feeling supported, which had been triggered by a concussion four years ago. Karen's insightful, wise and caring manner gently guided me through this profound healing. I felt amazing results during the initial session and returned for three more sessions to focus on old beliefs, blocked energy and thought patterns which were no longer serving me. I have been using tapping consistently and feel more anchored and empowered than ever. So grateful for this precious gift!
- Susan Q. Scotland
“EFT changed the way I view the world and perceive obstacles. It helped me to manage my stress, to believe in myself, to let go of what no longer served me. Before tapping I was undergoing some major life changes and was healing from a devastating breakup that closed my heart completely. I suffered from debilitating anxiety and was diagnosed with Major Depression. I couldn’t deal with life and avoided people I cared about. It was too much for me and I spent a lot of time laying in my bed. Tapping encouraged me to see the reality of my situation and that I had more control than I thought. It helped me to love, honor and appreciate myself. I was really struggling. It brings tears of joy to know that I have come so far in my journey. When I met Karen St. Clair I was so scared and empty. She locked eyes with me and I remember asking her… ‘Are you an angel?’ The right people come into your life when you need them most.”
- Anna C. Maine
“Working with Karen has been pivotal in shifting me from ‘being stuck to metaphorically being on steroids’! I am a Transformational Coach, but we all need someone else to help us see the forest for the trees from time to time. I am self-aware and good at recognizing my own areas for improvement but when I hit a block, Karen is my go-to-person for getting clarity and breaking through the unknowingly self-imposed barriers. She has helped me to uncover and re-program unhelpful beliefs that were, quite frankly, weighing me down and holding me back in both my business and my personal life. She is expert at unearthing what is going on and exposing old programming for what it really is; beliefs and behavioral responses formulated in my childhood which might have once been helpful but have no place or purpose in my adult life.
Karen weaves a unique blend of great coaching techniques, combined with the amazing gift that is EFT Tapping, a great sense of humor, a hefty dollop of common sense and quiet compassion to skillfully and gently guide you to some great AHA moments that are mind-blowingly obvious once the veil is lifted. The power of those realizations help to open doors to new possibilities and opportunities you might never have considered by yourself.
Karen has helped me to become visible in my business and truly believe in myself by unearthing and getting rid of family and catholic conditioning that has held me back and kept me playing it safe for so many years. Gone are the shame of putting myself out there and the need to people please. I have learned that it is not selfish to put myself first and it is more than okay to be proud of what I have achieved and celebrate my successes. I have stopped feeling responsible for fixing everyone’s problems and am comfortable knowing that other people are responsible for their own reactions and decisions. And what someone else thinks of me and my life is just an opinion that has no power over me, because I am comfortable in my own skin.
In a nutshell – Karen has helped me to be free of the fear of judgment, to know my own self-worth, to have the inner confidence to know that I already have whatever it takes to achieve my dreams and to truly like the person I have become.
I cannot recommend her highly enough. Everyone should have a Karen in their lives.”
- Claude E. United Kingdom
“I feel SO much better. It’s such a RELIEF. I’m giving myself a break.”
- Sonata B. Australia
“Our EFT session freed me in a deep and wonderful way.”
- Eddie C. Maine
"I contacted Karen to help me better understand tapping and how I could make it more effective/beneficial to me. Not only did she help me better understand tapping as well as the physical ways in which our bodies hold on to negative emotions, but offered numerous suggestions above and beyond that will help me navigate my way through the emotional turmoil that has held me back for so long. Her support, compassion for what she does and the ability to help those in need is of great value. I would look to her again when I need a tapping tuneup."
- Morrise P. New Hampshire
“I feel so much lighter. I’ve been in therapy for PTSD for years and I’m astounded at how fast this worked. I want to come back!”
- Alice V. Massachusetts
"That was an excellent EFT presentation! The talk in the room after the session was very positive and appreciative. Thank you very much. You are a skilled EFT Tapping therapist. You dealt so sensitively and wisely with both ladies in our group. I'm grateful for a new way to deal with my own pain."
- Margo F. Maine
"As an entrepreneur working through personal productivity issues, Karen guided me through an EFT session where she provided her insights and EFT techniques to discover my hidden self limiting beliefs. I was not giving myself permission to pursue my professional growth. I am now able to recognize these thoughts and use EFT as a useful tool and take action to stop repeating patterns and behaviors that were keeping me stuck. It was so empowering for me to work with Karen to get a clearer perspective and give me confidence to move forward with my personal development."
- Sophia R. Maine