My Inner Scaredy Cat
EFT Tapping just won ‘Best Mystery Solved’ in a recent Tapping session with a long-standing client aka Stella.
She had taken a job 25 years ago as a model purely because she was unemployed and the modeling agency had pressured her to commit, based on their need to fill the position. What did she have to lose? On the surface, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time; but for who, Stella or the modeling agency?
Modeling can be a rigorous career coupled with anxiety about healthy food choices, sleep requirements and the most difficult of all for Stella…the weight standards. She always felt like she had to hide from the scale and try to fake her way through those long days and nights of photo shoots and runway shows. “What if they make me get on the scale before the show?” she would ask herself e-v-e-r-y day. Stella became terrified of not measuring up to the constant weight standards, and yet she maintained her modeling career for 10 years. Her fearful thoughts grew very deep within her subconscious mind during those years, until she reached her breaking point and made the decision to move on.
As she walked away from modeling, she felt liberated and free from stressful expectations…but she took with her the invisible trauma of always feeling fearful of having to hide her true self. That feeling was locked in her “subconscious file cabinet” (the hippocampus).
Stella took a month off to relax and regain her confidence until she felt comfortable with the task of looking for another job. She settled on the restaurant industry as a hostess.
On the first night of her new job in a very swank French restaurant, Stella was overcome with the same fear that she carried forward from modeling years. “What if they find out I can’t speak fluent French or I mess up someone’s reservations?” She thought. Her internal alarm system was raging with feelings of not being good enough and not belonging in this job either.
Stella had experience with EFT Tapping and knew that it was her only salvation at that moment, so she excused herself and went to the ladies room and tapped until she felt calm enough to go back to greeting the dinner guests. Night after night, she felt the old feelings of fear creep up and tie a knot in her stomach. Reaching out for help with her reoccurring fear became her top priority. She just couldn’t shake those deep feelings on her own.
Stella came to see me knowing that she would be safe to express her fears and hoping that delving a bit deeper into the power of EFT Tapping would help her cope. She was right. What happened next was astounding.
“How did you feel on your first night at the French restaurant?” I asked.
She said, “I was terrified that the manager and staff would think I didn’t know how to conduct myself in such an upscale French restaurant and that they would look down upon me (like I wasn’t good enough). The knot in my stomach felt like a boulder.”
We had found the key.
I focused on her deep feeling of fear, beginning the session with all of the different phrases she used to describe the debilitating experience.
I began the session.
“Even though I feel terrified when I go to work, I completely love and accept myself.”
“I feel so terrified that I don’t belong.”
“What if they find out I made a mistake.”
“I’m not worthy of working here.”
“I feel like I don’t measure up to their standard.
And then it happened.
Stella realized that this was not the first time she had felt this way at work. This feeling went back to taking the modeling job for someone else’s sake, not her own. She had built an impenetrable wall of fear, just to get through each day.
Now it was time to tear down the wall and free herself from the shackles of human judgments. Tapping had helped her make the connection of what had happened in the past to the present. Now that she felt the connection, Stella felt like she was ready to let go of the fear of judgment from others and allow herself to be the person she is meant to be and continues to use Tapping whenever she feels fear in any stressful situation.
To quote Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution, “Tapping works on everything!”