Travel Stress-Free
Do you have a trip planned for next year?
Regardless of the departure time, just knowing that your trip is planned and feeling pushed to get organized can be stressful!
Does this sound familiar?
Do I have the right clothes?
Should I pack a formal dress?
What if I forget to bring my power converter?
Will there be an iron in the hotel room?
I’ll need to get my hair cut and colored now!
OMG, what about a pedicure for my dinosaur feet?
Will there be a pool? Should I pack a bathing cap? What if my hair turns green?
How will I fit five pairs of shoes and sneakers in my suitcase? Do I need them all? Yes!
How will I get to the airport?
Is my luggage big enough? Probably not! I need more space!
What if I miss my connection because the flight gets delayed?
Will my bags make it all the way?
We’ve all been there!
We feel our bodies fill with that rush of doubt as the “What If?” syndrome fills every cell with Cortisol, the stress hormone. The purpose of Cortisol? Ultimately, to keep us safe. Our bodies know how to keep us safe and they do it perfectly every time. We are still operating with our primal brain function that kept us safe as cavemen and women if a tiger stalked us from the cover of nearby bushes.
Cortisol courses through our bodies, instantly signaling the brain to drain the blood from our frontal lobe and send it pulsing into our extremities to power up the Fight of Flight response. We can’t think straight. We go into hyper-survival mode. This is the same response we have when we’re worried about packing for a trip!
It’s how we’re made. We can’t change our chemistry, BUT we can control the body’s reaction to doubt and fear by gently tapping on specific acupressure points pictured below.
You’ve all experienced Fight or Flight, driven by the instant rush of Cortisol.
I invite you to experience EFT Tapping, the proven mind-body stress relief technique that instantly reduces your Cortisol level yielding the calming effect needed in those overwhelming moments like planning your next trip.
EFT Tapping offers you the power to dial back your body’s Fight or Flight response to one of calm control.