Stuffed Emotions

Do you see everything that’s in front of you or are there things that others see that you don’t?  If we can’t see something, we don’t think it’s there. 

That same fact applies to our emotions becoming invisible to us as we push them down into our bodies. Stuffing our emotions down is our only natural human coping skill, unlike wild animals.  They have inherent chemistry that allows them to literally shake off the stress from a life-threatening situation.  After their predator has retreated, they stand up and shake every muscle in their body releasing a cascade of the stress hormone, cortisol that consumed them when danger first appeared. They simply shake it off and go back to life as it was versus our human response of stuffing it down into our bodies.   

At a very young age we begin to stuff our emotions being taught that reacting is bad and unacceptable behavior.  We learn very quickly that it‘s not safe to express our emotions when we genuinely feel Pain, Disappointment, Fear, Shame, Sadness, Joy, Anger, Satisfaction, Disgust, Excitement,  Sexual desire, Fear,  Horror,  Empathy, Calmness, Nostalgia, Confusion or Envy.

Each emotion that we stuff down into our bodies is stored within the Hippocampus, our brain’s memory center associated with learning and emotions.  As we ingest these unresolved  emotions, they collect within our bodies like a little onion.  Each time we’re triggered by a similar or exact experience, the onion gains another layer growing larger and larger until our body takes steps to get our attention out of its own innate ability to survive and heal.

There is no disease that isn’t mental and emotional as well as physical.
— Dr. Christiane Northrup

In my practice as an Advanced Certified EFT Practitioner, I’ve witnessed the powerful success of EFT Tapping using its gentle approach.  I’m sharing these testimonials from clients to let you experience their feelings about the way EFT Tapping has changed their lives.

The Outcome…


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Stress - Your Check Engine Light