Tap Here for Best Results!
When I first heard of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping, I thought it was a little crazy! What was tapping on my body going to do for me? Well, I soon found out just how powerful EFT is.
Have you ever found yourself procrastinating to the point of feeling frozen or paralyzed at the thought of doing a task like going to the dentist or even making a phone call? You’re not alone.
What if you knew you could tap on nine energy meridian points on your body and actually feel lasting relief from the following “short list” of examples?
Anxiety, Stress, Pain, Sorrow, Fear, Phobias, Sleep Disorders, Weight Loss, Addiction, PTSD, Parenting, Anger, Fear of Flying, Carpal Tunnel, Depression, Headaches, Sports Performance, Eating Disorders, Claustrophobia, Fertility, Birthing, Finances, Asthma, Shyness, I’m Not Food Enough, Abandonment, Divorce, Going to the Dentist, just to name a few.
I refer to this list as the “short list” because EFT is a tool that you can use on any personal issue that is keeping you from enjoying a happy peaceful life.
Who Can Use EFT Tapping?
EFT works universally for all ages, genders and ethnicities. Many problems with children, from tantrums to bedwetting, from resistance to homework to sports performance issues, can be helped with EFT.
Parents who learn EFT can share it with their children as a powerful calming tool. EFT is also great for resolving childhood trauma. A large scale study of adults, called the ACE study, found an association between unresolved childhood trauma and adult disease. So now you can learn EFT to use on any of your childhood issues, as well as for your own children.
EFT Origins and Research Findings
EFT Tapping draws many of its principles from the ancient healing lineage of Traditional Chinese medicine. While modern society is just developing an appreciation for Chinese medicine’s long, rich history of success, there still remains a desire to back it up with science.
For this reason, emerging research about EFT Tapping’s effectiveness is so very important. Not only does it gradually silence more and more of EFT’s skeptics, it also deepens our understanding of the technique, allowing us to further harness its deep healing abilities.
So far, modern science’s investigations into just why EFT works have been astounding. The results revealed why EFT Tapping is the perfect bridge between cutting edge Western medicine and ancient healing practices from the East.
Harvard Medical Schools Studies and the Brain’s Stress Response
For example, studies at Harvard Medical School have revealed that by stimulating the body’s meridian points – the same spots on your body that are manipulated by acupuncturists – you can significantly reduce activity in a part of your brain called the amygdala.
Think of your amygdala as a personal alarm system. When you experience trauma or fear, the amygdala is triggered and your body is flooded with cortisol, commonly known as the “stress hormone.” This intricate chain reaction – your stress response – significantly influences and sometimes even causes whatever it is that troubles you, whether that’s an illness, injury, or even an external problem such as your finances or a relationship.
These studies show that by stimulating these Tapping Points on your body – as we do in EFT – you can drastically reduce or eliminate the distress that accompanies or gives rise to these problems you face. By so doing, you can often eliminate the problems themselves!
It’s an exciting time to be working with EFT. Although the technique is almost 50 years old now, we’re beginning to see more and more research that explains just why it’s so effective. It’s important not just for our own understanding, but also for those who are doubtful about the efficacy of this amazing technique.
As with many other healing modalities that draw on ancient wisdom and/or cutting edge insights into mind and body health, EFT has been overlooked and even ridiculed by many in the world of modern Western medicine. To them, it’s simply too good to be true. Even thousands of stories from people around the world about just how tapping has changed their lives have not been enough to prompt some skeptics to reconsider, making this research so very important.
Clinical Reports and Outcome Studies can be viewed at http://www.eftuniverse.com/research-and-studies/eft-research